Okay-evidently, I am a sissy. I do not want to be a sissy and I have been trying to be more adventurous but when it comes to getting up at 7:15 and going to the dentist to get a massive shot in the roof and side of your mouth in order for the area to be numb for a filling...I am NOT an adventurous soul.
It isn't that I am squeamish. No, not at all. It isn't even that I am afraid of most shots. But I am afraid of needles that puncture bone and needles that look like they should be crocheting instead of being stuck inside my MOUTH or up my veins!!! I can prove I am not squeamish-sort of anyway. I gave blood yesterday. I told myself the minor, brief pain of the huge needle was worth it in order to help save 3 peoples' lives!!! But in this case, I am not saving anyone's life. But I guess I am preventing terrible pain later on for myself.....
I still don't relish the idea.
There are three things wrong with getting a filling. I call them the "Terrible S's." The first is the Shot, the second is the Smell, and the third is the Sound. I dislike all of them sooo I have discovered a partial remedy for both:
1) Solution to the Shot: Take two Tylenol pills or Advil about 30 minutes beforehand. The dentist said they have had people do that and it has helped a good bit.
2) Solution to the Smell: The smell of burning enamel is really, really awful. My solution is to get a little vial of lavender oil and put one or two small drops at the end of your nostrils (ewww). It's either that or get a highly "stylish" noseplug.
3) Solution to the Sound: Bring a really loud Cd player and/or earplugs to cover the noise some. But you have to remember that the sound will be vibrating your eardrums anyway, it just might eliminate it a little.
So that is my plan. I don't think I will be able to get the lavender oil and the Cd part of my Cd player doesn't work but I can play either a tape or the radio really loud instead. And the Tylenol is an experiment but we shall see.
At least I only have another 12 hours + to worry about it. But for some strange reason, I am freaking out about it far less now that I KNOW I have to have a filling.
I'll be fine. (I hope....)