This month's fabulous book is "Life At The Extremes: The Science of Survival," by Frances Ashcroft. I give it 4 1/2 stars.
Pros: Very, very rich in evidence that easily proves intelligent design. Easy to read and fascinating. She has separated the book into several different sections such as extreme heat, cold, and pressure to name a few and then subdivided them into smaller segments. I mention this because this book was so captivating to me that I found it hard to put down at night and it was helpful to tell myself, "Just to the next heading." :)
Cons: While Ms. Ashcroft often headed each new section with a selection from the book of Psalms, she laced the entire rest of the book with little hints of evolution such as suggesting that some fact proved that humans evolved when it would actually strongly lead anyone with an open mind to the idea, nay, the fact of intelligent design. She may have been trying to strike a blow for Darwin's theory but she was really just seeming rather far-out and ridiculous.
Summary: I strongly suggest that anyone who is the least bit interested in science read this book and I even more firmly request that anyone who is a creationist/Christian read this book because it holds many, many wonderful truths that can be used against evolutionists in a debate.
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