Monday, January 10, 2005

2 Quote of the Month-Dr. Ariel A. Roth

I always love to find supremely good quotes from liberals (and non-liberals) who have found the indisputable truth to be against the evolutionary theory. I am currently reading a wonderful compilation of 50 scientists research disproving evolution. Every Christian and indeed anyone who just sincerely wants to know the truth should read this book. It is called, "In Six Days" edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D.

The first quote speaks to the statement that creationism is merely a matter of faith, therefore it is religious not scientific. However, we can very clearly see that it takes faith to believe in ANY concept, including evolution, as Dr. Roth states.

"In fact, it seems to me that it takes a greater degree of blind faith (where there is no evidence) to believe in evolution than in the creation model of the Bible {where there is resounding evidence to prove its statements}."


"We are thus faced with the fact that after 2 centuries of conjecture,
a workable mechanism for evolution has not been found. While the perseverance of evolutionists is commendable, it would seem that by now it is time for science to give serious consideration to other alternatives of origins, such as creation."


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