Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Poem by Me

Four walls, a top, a bottom,
In gray and musty white, I lived my life.

Then came the cross,
With His box-breaking, life-giving sacrifice.

Out of the four walls, a top, a bottom,
Free as a bird in the endless blue skies.

Soaring free, nothing around me,
His gift holds me up, and I sing, with glee.

Boxes are scattered on the ground.
Yet, I am not found...there on the ground!

Chances arise to drop from the skies,
And return to the four walls, a top, a bottom.

Yet FLY, FLY away!!!!
The boxes are burning, consuming, destroying.

Their contents, unknowing, turn from my pleas,
And willingly go on with their destructive destinies.

Yet FLY, FLY away!!!!
If I cannot bring them, I flee them.

Fly from the boxes when they approach,
Fleet to the foot of the cross.

The cross where He died,
Broke the box, and set us free.


Thank you, Lord, for your indescribable gift of life to me!!! I should have died to pay for my sins but I can be free from guilt and pain if I accept your sacrifice of love and live in faith!!!!! I choose YOU!!!!!!!

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