Thursday, December 02, 2004

Why the Social Stigma?

Why has our culture elevated the status of models to such an extreme? Why do we normal females feel so inferior to their standards? Why do we feel the need to starve ourselves and change our faces to fit into a cookie cutter ideal? This has been such an amazement and an hardship for me. I once felt the overwhelming desire to look like them. I may have been blessed with a bit of height but I have also been blessed with a curvy, feminine body. It has taken me a while to see the good side of this and I have learned much about the true life of models.
They have to eat very restrictively, resulting in physical pain and mental depression. They have to sacrifice any morals they may have in order to get more photo shoots and magazine spreads to elevate their status in their own community of unreasonable goals. A few of these women were born with lithe, slender bodies and tall frames. But many of them have subjected their bodies to rigorous exercises in order to lose weight that their bodies really can't spare and in order to fit into size 0 costumes.
They aren't ever really content. They can't be. God designed the female body to be a delight to the eyes. The bone thin idea of beauty is unrealistic and unattractive. We have only accepted this as beauty because the skewed media has presented it as so. God did not plan for this reconstruction of the perfect ideal of the female body.
Many former models have come to realize the stupidity and unrealisticness of these standards. They have let their bodies return to their natural body weight, and yet have continued in their line of work. The media calls them the "plus size" models. Why? They are what they should be. "A la natural" models. They are helping to return us females to our roots and the way that God means for us to be. Happy, content, and right at our natural weights. Not bone thin and on starvation diets....

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