Monday, November 22, 2004

The Beach-by Me

Have you ever sat in the sand and
Wished that time would stop?
Have you ever noticed the little sand fleas that
Float across the footprints
That are to them great dunes?
Have you ever seen the way the sun
Reflects its golden bars
In broken patterns across the waves?
Have you ever watched a pelican dive
And surface with a crab that clacks its claws and struggles?
Have you ever wished you could
Sit under the salty sea grass forever?
Have you stood and let the cold
Water slip in and steal the sand beneath
Your feet?

If you have, you have noticed
That the clock keeps ticking,
The sun goes down beyond the horizon
And the crab is eaten.
The tide comes up and eats away the beach,
Creating waves that threaten the safety
Of the salty sea grass.
But yet come again tomorrow,
The beach will be the same and
Yet so different.

-October 6, 2004
Liberty Grant

1 comment:

AFamousStatue said...

Hahaha! Ah, Scrib. I appreciate you. And of course, I absolutely, positively do NOT mind you reading my archives, especially when you comment. :)