Wednesday, February 01, 2006

That is that.

I met a guy, we liked each other, I witnessed to him, he got mad, he isn't speaking to me. I guess I should just expect this to happen no matter what guy I meet. Oh well, it was God's will.
I just got out of math class. I am in the library surrounded by gruesome pictures on the walls by post-modern art students. Also around me are hundreds of souls who Christ needs to reach. Where to start? Well I don't know so I will wait for the Holy Spirit; He hasn't let me down so far...

I guess a good place to start is the guy who just waved to me. He comes to lap swim on Tuesdays and Thursday and Allison swears he likes me. I wish no guy (till the perfect guy) would like-like me ever again. But I suppose that that is one way to reach people for Christ.

I have to go teach at the pool. Oh, yeah, pray for Mike. He is in one of my classes. We talked yesterday and he may come work at the pool this summer if they hire him. He is a really nice guy, not my type, but a nice guy. Well, I really do need to go now. Sorry this posting was so random, if you know me at all you will be able to make some sense of it and understand my train of thought a little.

The last thing is that I am so totally bummed because I did 5 extra hours of homework last night, writing a memo that isn't due till next week. Oh well, at least it is done and I don't have to worry about it.

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