Sunday, March 05, 2006

Drama, drama, drama!!

Sheesh. Paint the dog's nails and everyone FREAKS out!! My goodness. Once anyone notices the chihuahua walking around with sharp, little nails that look like she stepped in blood, run for the hills. They all went ballistic. They should just be glad I didn't paint the big dog's nails considering they are three times larger-at least. Oh and my little sister didn't help things any cause she reminded everyone of the time I drew pretty blue designs on the back of her white rat. I mean, HEY, I'm improving their appearance. Chihuahuas and rats aren't beauty queens after all. Hahahaha! I think my little sis took the nail polish off the dog but just wait-when no one is looking, the Beauty Bandit WILL strike again!!!

Hahahaha! I really need to go study for my mid-term now.......

1 comment:

Verity said...

Heeeeeeey!!! Very funny. Thanks for making me laugh. And by the way she was brown and white and you could have intoxicated her!! Just kidding.