Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sometime my brain gets in the way....

I can count the hours of sleep I got last night on one hand. It is all the fault of my overactive mind. It just wouldn't shut off!!!!

Today, I have so much besides school to think about. I don't really think this is a good thing since finals are next week- YAY!!!!

(Speaking of finals, mine shouldn't be too bad. My writing final is just a writing assignment that I have been working on for two weeks (due Thursday) and a "professional academic presentation" (whatever that means.) My American Government final is supposed to be crazy long and I have to give a ten minute presentation on abortion, too. My math final is the one I am worried about...)

So I wish I had a turn off switch on the back of my head sometimes. Wouldn't that be so nice?? Then I could just hit the sack, turn my brain off (that sounds pretty wierd now) and sleep. Ooooo, sleep sounds REALLY good now!!!




Verity said...

I agree with you. I wish that I had a switch in the back of my head too. Man these female minds are tortuos!! LOL

Verity said...

Sorry misspelled torturous. Hahaha