Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Right now, I really don't like who I am naturally...

Yeah that post was all happy and whatever this morning but tonight is tonight and tonight STINKS. I really do "hate" myself/personality right now. My sister is cool cause she can be friendly and serious and all that at the same time and keep a level-head on 99.9% of the time. Now me-I am extremely friendly naturally so I get into trouble when I am myself. If I am around a guy and am myself, they think I am flirting with them cause I am so friendly/cheerful. Well, I'm gonna have to go to extremes of being unfriendly or something cause I am getting myself into SO much drama. Guys don't seem to understand that I am NOT flirting with them when I am friendly, so, apparently, I need to be like "hello-goodbye," (I guess rude in my standards) or something cause this is SOOO not working anymore.

A little help here???? Anyone?

(I know I had terrible grammar today but I am really upset/stressed/mad at myself right now.)

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